September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hi everybody! I love this subreddit and all of your suggestions.

    I’m a big reader. I majored in English and was an English high school teacher for many years but unfortunately was diagnosed with breast cancer early last year. The chemo did a number to my brain and cognitive functions (I had almost 30 rounds of the thing) but I reallyyyy want to get back into reading. It just feels like I can’t handle much right now, I get easily distracted by other things, my mind wanders, and I’m a little too mentally “raw” from my cancer diagnosis to delve into heavy topics (which I normally love and never shyed away from before.) does anyone have any suggestions for light reading that could maybe get me back into the swing of things? I almost feel like I need a light push. I finished chemo about a month ago, so my mind is a bit delicate but I also feel up to the challenge! Thank you so much to anyone who can help me!

    by wediealone

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