September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    ok this might be a bit of a long one. I have been wanting to get into reading for a multitude of reasons however thigns have been blocking me specifically my lack of ability to pay attention during it my mind will alwas wander off and halfway through the page i dont even know what i just read cause i am stuck in my own little fantasy world in my head. i thought then ok i will get a audible supscription and try audiobooks. turns out same issue my mind drifts off and i have to force myself to concentrate for rather little reward in my eyes sicne i jsut drift off after 5 minutes again anyway. i tried doing exercise during it, fidget toys hell i sometimes just stare atr the wall and i get more invested in it.

    i feel like i am gonna get 2 types of comments

    1. "reading isnt for you" wich isnt useful since i want to read for religious reasons plus i feel gatekeeping myself from some of the worlds best storys and the worlds greatest philosophy rather saddening
    2. "you arent reading the right books" wich isnt true since the books i have attempted are ones i enjoyed the times i payed attention such as Lord of the Rings & The Bible but still drifting away

    some information on mediums i do like: Graphic novels/Comics, Movies, Tv-shows, Manga, Video essays

    Any help would be very appreciated thanks and God bless

    by SimpingforTiredwomen

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