September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I've never seen the musical, so I was going in with no real expectations here. Some classics can be slogs to read — not this one. It really keeps the pages turning. The story never drags, and it was put together in an excellent fashion. Suspense is kept up throughout the entire book, and I was left wondering what the ending was going to be like until I got there. The characters are interesting, the setting is super cool & unique, and the general plotline/premise is highly intriguing. Fun may not be the totally correct word for it considering it's a generally sad novel, but it was a great read. I came in expecting a classic, and I got a classic. Wonderful book, highly recommend.

    (I listened to this one via audiobook, and it worked out pretty well. The narrator knew how to pronounce the French names, which made the story a more immersive given I would have just been guessing at them if I were reading on a page.)

    by CantRecallWutIForgot

    1 Comment

    1. It’s good indeed, and based on real events no less. The film is decent but doesn’t really do the story justice except for music because Andrew Webber is, well, Andrew Webber.

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