September 2024
    M T W T F S S


    1. Furballprotector on

      The House in the Cerulean Sea. I couldnt get into Miss Peregrine’s either. I don’t care about freaky kid boarding academies, I guess.

    2. CanadianContentsup on

      The Secret History by Donna Tartt. Weird. Unlikeable people. No reasons for why stuff happened.

    3. strange_frequency on

      Song of Achilles. While I appreciated what the author was going for, I wish she had not done so by robbing Patroclus of his essential character (A bad-ass Achean warrior) in order to create the trope of a masculine-feminine couple between he and Achilles. Their romance would have been just as valid if Patroclus had remained the absolute battlefield monster that he was in The Iliad.

      I have an issue in general with the modern retelling of Greek Myths, but that one sticks out.

    4. Early-Sink-5460 on

      Song of Achilles. It was SO BORING. I couldn’t get more than 15% through the book before I threw in the towel.

    5. Antique_Delay2673 on

      I just read Child of God by Cormac McCarthy after seeing it be recommended as a great, but disturbing book. I was expecting to love it but in all honesty, it was a HUGE no for me. And listen, i’m very open to disturbing books but I only end up liking them when I have a strong feeling of a “point proven” throughout the book. I’m sure there was one in this one, but I did not come across it. This was my first book by McCarthy and it was recommended to be the first one I read. It did not leave a good impression. Overall, I think I just got irritated from his writing style to the constant racism and sexism in the book. Just meh. I can see why people think McCarthy is a great writer, and if his other books are much better/different, then i’m open to suggestions. I’m glad it was a shorter read.

    6. keepthephonenumber on

      Remarkably Bright Creatures. I thought it was cheesy. On the other hand, I’m a huge sucker (ha ha!) for My Octopus Friend on Netflix.

    7. Anything Steinbeck except for Of Mice and Men. I try & revisit them, but can’t get through the first few chapters

    8. LookingForAFunRead on

      Lonesome Dove. I have tried ebook and audiobook, more than once. Cannot do it, and I think I got 20 % in, so I think I gave it a fair chance.

    9. I think the Murderbot books are extremely underwritten. They read less like novellas and more like unfinished outlines of novels. The humor was also a total miss for me — it felt extremely 2012 in a way that I did not find endearing.

      That said, I do think each book was much better than the previous one, and the most recent book was the best by far, so maybe they’ll grow on me as the series continues.

    10. Coolhandjones67 on

      Bobiverse. I loved the Martian and project Hail Mary. Got recommended Bob and the disappointment was so bad I actually ended up hating it which might be a first for me. Usually I can pass a book I don’t like as not my thing but with Bob it’s different. It has everything in a story that I love with none of the soul or originality I need to take a book seriously. It’s just a bad story with a lame protagonist.

    11. The Silent Patient.

      Bland, trite, boring, predictable. I do not understand the appeal *at all.*

    12. Dark Matter by Blake Crouch. I see why people would like it. It explains a lot of things that are “taken for granted” in sci fi, and the characters behave in a very “blockbuster movie” simplified way, so if you don’t typically read sci fi I guess it’s good to explain >!the concept of a multiverse from scratch!< but if you have any familiarity with sci fi or reading at all, it just feels way too dumbed down. The novella [And Then There Were N-1]( does a better job of exploring the same concepts and in a lot fewer words.

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