September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    All the reading I've done was when a teacher would ask us to read something, and it was always dreadfully boring to me. I was always a slow reader and I'd sometimes have to read a paragraph or a page multiple times because I would lose focus.

    I love visual arts. Anything that has to do with images -moving or otherwise- that tell a story, I would eat up. I love reading comic books, but at the same time, I much rather read a comic with great art and okay writing than a comic with okay art and great writing. I prefer the images to be fed to me than to create an image in my head through reading.

    I'm open to virtually all genres, but I think that if I want to ease myself into this and know for sure whether I like imageless reading or not, the book has to be really gripping and engaging and a real page-turner. And because of that, I think that books in the mystery/thriller/whodunit genres would be the best candidates.

    I'm open to all suggestions, but I'd prefer big "real" books, for the lack of a better term, than quick, easily digestible short stories. After all, I already know that I'm fine with reading a relatively long social media post that tells a story, but I'm here to find out whether or not I like "grownup" reading. The sort of reading that might take days and multiple sessions.

    English is not my first language, but I still want the book to be in English, whether natively or translated. And although I'm fairly fluent in it, I don't want to have to deal with needlessly difficult words and sentence structures. I think the closer it is to reading a movie script, the better. Elaborate descriptions of things don't necessarily do anything for me. I like phrases to be simple and to the point, but as immersive as possible at the same time.

    I'm only doing this because my bookworm friends keep insisting on me to try something, so again, I'm not doing this to get into books, but to know for sure whether my school experience with books was bad because I didn't have much choice in it, or because I simply don't like imageless books.

    My first thought was to start with Lord of The Rings since the movies are my absolute favorites of all time, I memorize the scenes well so I won't have a lot of trouble visualizing the book as I read it, and I've spent A LOT OF TIME (ironically) reading through countless forum posts and wikis piecing together the lore of the Middle Earth. But seeing how Tolkien's English can be a little tricky, I thought perhaps I should start with something simpler.

    If you've made it this far, thank you for taking the time.

    EDIT: I'm also a massive fan of the most recent Dune movies, and just like with LOTR, I've combed the internet for lore, so I think I might try to read those books too eventually.

    by Fares26597

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