September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Have recently re-read this book and remembered why it’s one of my favorites ever.

    The way it presents grief and pairs it with running was something I found inspiring while I was running collegiate cross country, as I was dealing with something similar simultaneously (however, I certainly was never a great distance runner!) What I find so profound about it is the changes you see Kevin go through, and also the straight up absurdity of everything going on in the background in comparison to what they are faced with. For example, there are ridiculous names like Bobolink Crustacean,and Trolley, and Butterbit. It sounds so silly, but I think the point is none of this all really matters when you’re faced with deep sadness every day. It leaves room for bitter humor, and I can appreciate that coping mechanism, as I’ve used it many times in the midst of grief. The first chapter is a little rough, but is important for seeing Kevin change.

    One of my favorite lines from the first chapter though:

    “What bothered me: When you’re at the top, there is nothing above. ‘Don’t look down,’ they say to people who fear heights. Went my new motto: ‘Don’t look up.’ I feared depths.”

    Was also made into a movie called One Mile to You, which I think is still on Prime. It’s an odd movie, but was also an odd book, so i think it does alright depicting it, but of course nothing compares to the book.

    Beautiful prose throughout. It made me read Jackson’s memoir too, I Will Not Leave You Comfortless. Also written in such a masterful way that you end up getting the story from the perspective of all his family members and it makes me excited to move to the Midwest soon and raise children there, because he made it sound so wonderful. About to start reading his other book, In Summer.

    Totally an under appreciated author I want more people to know about.

    by RadioSilence012

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