September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hi there!

    Could you suggest me some books that you may think that I kinda like it according to my list of favorites authors/books?

    Sanderson: Pretty read most of the books related to cosmere 9/10 really liked the world building.

    GoT: 9/10

    The first two book of name of wind: 9/10

    Abercrombie, first trilogy: 7/10, the world building was not that great but really liked the characters.

    The Witcher (Sapkowski): 6/10. Really liked the first two books.

    Jay Kristoff vampire saga: 8/10

    Robert Jordan Wheel of time: 5/10. It started really good , but I have to stop reading after the 9th book. I was not able to continue.

    Other authors that I gave a try but was not able to like it were: Brent weeks and the authors of Malaz.

    by Hairy-Signal4568

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