September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I’m picky… so bear with me alongside my rambling list of desires.

    1. Darker tone, but not misery porn (ASOIAF tone is near perfect for me)
    2. Adult and serious (This doesn’t mean no humor at all)
    3. No thieves, bards, or orphan main characters
    4. No Faeries, elves, or werewolves PLEASE
    5. 3rd person is a must for me
    6. Character driven with an interesting world to explore
    7. It doesn’t have to be a mega series, I’m fine with even a novella.
    8. Awesome villain, doesn’t need to be gray and lovable, give me some creepy ominous big bad that’s just too awesome to hate.
    9. Please nothing set on earth, I’d like to get off this rock for a few hundred pages.

    I apologize for this fantastical wish list, I’m just really struggling to find something that matches it right now.

    by JoshTheKid7


    1. freerangelibrarian on

      The Curse of Chalion by Lois Macmaster I Bujold. First book of the World of the Five Gods series, but can be read as a standalone.

    2. GraceWisdomVictory on

      I THINK this mostly fits the bill;

      The Ember Blade by Chris Wooding

      * Goodreads Rating: 4.32
      * Tone: Dark with moments of humor
      * Age Group: Adult
      * Perspective: Third-person
      * Setting: Unique fantasy world
      * Villain: Memorable and sinister villain
      * Plot: Character-driven with a strong focus on adventure and rebellion

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