September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Sometimes I’ll fall in love with a book for the friendship, but then my bubble gets popped because somehow they’re lovers now. It makes me violent when they made much more sense as friends.

    It’s the same with the entire friend group having to be coupled up because the series is coming to an end. Random characters that had no page time together are suddenly involved romantically, and it gets played off as them sneaking around when no one was watching.

    Sometimes the stakes are so high, and you know the protagonist has no time to think of love, and yet, some random person swoops in and steals their heart. A girl’s parents gets brutally murdered, half their town is suffering because they have no food, they’re in the middle of a war, and she needs to take care of her hungry siblings when she barely has enough time left to live, and somehow she finds the time to sneak around with the mysterious broody guy with a dark past.

    It’s okay to love someone intensly, and burn the entire fucking world for them as friends.
    And yes, I know there are some good ones that focuses on friendship with no love interest.

    by Sassybuddernot


    1. TarikeNimeshab on

      All the time. Unfortunately because romance sells so well, authors can’t even write a book about fixing espresso machines without a forbidden love affair between the portafilter and the steam wand.

      I always think less of authors for shoving a forced romance in their books. It tells me that the author knows that he/she isn’t good enough to sell, so adds romance to make up for his/her shortcomings.

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