September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Since I was a teen (so about 15 years) I have loved Pearl S. Buck’s The Good Earth. I had read it for school and just LOVED it.

    I don’t know why I am SO DRAWN to this tale but I reread it every other year and sometimes more frequently. It brings me tremendous comfort and has never faded for me as a timeless classic that I always want to read. I have books I enjoyed more, books I’ve been more excited to read, but I always come back to The Good Earth.

    What’s your The Good Earth and why?!?

    by badgyalsammy


    1. That’s a great book!

      I can read Dune over and over again. Not only do I love the stories and characters, but I discover new things each time I read.

    2. MaliseHaligree on

      That was the one about the Chinese family and their rise to wealth and the fall with the opioids right? I remember not caring much for that one but it was interesting the first read.

      Mine is Memoirs of a Geisha. I do not typically reread books without at least a decade between sessions, but MoaG is that one exception.

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