September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hi guys,

    I’m currently struggling with my dating life because of my mental health. I have a lot of trauma and emotional baggage which has been growing over the past few years. Unfortunately I can’t afford therapy at the moment, so I figure starting with some self-help books would be a good start until I can afford speaking to someone.

    My most recent relationship ended in shambles because I can’t regulate my emotions and communicate effectively my thoughts especially when my anxiety, overthinking, and self-esteem get the best of me. This has always occured during my dating life as well, but I feel as of recently everything has been building up and it’s only getting worse. Instead of seperating my self from a situation that is occurring in the relationship to process what has happened, I react with visceral immaturity. I inherited this from my mother because she reacts the same way as well, but my father has the patience of a saint where their relationship is still going strong.

    I am aware of my mental health issues and aware my past traumas have affected my ability to trust and effectively communicate which is why I want to work on my self for the better. The person I was recently dating told me I would be alone if I didn’t work on my self and he’s right.

    Hopefully this gives the picture of self help books I am looking for. I just mostly want to learn how to move past my traumas, regulate my emotions so I can respond in a mature manner, and manage my overthinking.

    Thank you so much.

    by throwaway30474

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