September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Most mysteriousest mystery in the mysteryverse with the most unexpected unbelievable turns of events with original ideas and the most surprising shocking jaw dropping twists that made you go WTF!!! 😳😲

    You can exclude:

    • Gone Girl
    • Dark Places
    • And Then There Were None
    • Girl With the Dragon Tattoo
    • Sherlock Holmes

    I'm new to mystery books, But I saw a ton of movies and shows that really surprised me! Like-

    • Atonement
    • Oldboy
    • Gone Girl
    • Incendies
    • The Others
    • Fight Club
    • Exam
    • Shutter Island
    • Unbreakable
    • Usual Suspects
    • Primal Fear
    • Predestination
    • Triangle
    • Orphan
    • Orphan First Kill

    And many more….These are just samples of what I liked previously. You can suggest something different and unconventional as well like that nonchalant Attack On Titan twist that came out of nowhere is one of my favorite twist reveal of all time!!


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