September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I’ve got an unhealthy relationship with money. I choose to work too much, I save all my money, I get guilty for spending money. I’m trying to set myself up for the future at the expense of relationships and living. I think I suffer from imposters syndrome and I don’t believe I’ll always be in this position to earn the kind of money I do so I never say no to overtime. Appreciate any recommendations. Cheers.

    by Responsible-Side-308

    1 Comment

    1. Lady-Orpheus on

      I have a book in mind : I Will Teach You to Be Rich by Ramit Sethi. Despite the over-the-top title, the author offers sound advice. He also has a YT channel and he’s known to be very, very straightforward, a “tough love” kind of guy. He always stresses the importance of knowing how to save and invest money but also how to spend it. As he says, “to live a rich life today and a richer life tomorrow”. I think it could help you.

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