September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    can anyone suggest me any horror books that make you want to crawl under your blanket and leave the lights turned on? every time I try to read horror I feel like the books rely on shock horror/body horror/being disgusting rather than scary. I’ve tried to read one Stephen King book but I couldn’t get into it (the institute, gave up real quick).

    (please no books with ringworms, I can’t handle more ringworms 😭)

    thank you so much in advance!

    by IllustrativeWords


    1. I’m the same way with body horror. It doesn’t scare me. It just disgusts me. It all depends on what you find scary. I find existential hopelessness scary, which made Replay by Ken Grimwood and A Short Stay in Hell by Steven Peck great reads.

      If you find isolation scary, it doesn’t get much better than The Shining. I enjoyed The Institute, but The Shining is just on a whole different level.

      Heart Shaped Box is a great book about a rock star who literally buys a ghost from the internet. If you enjoy relentless stalking and dread, you will probably enjoy this one.

    2. Salems Lot / Pet Sematary / IT and The Shining are pretty good shouts from Stephen King. Dracula by Bram Stoker creeped me out pretty bad. You’re right though it can be tough sometimes to find a genuinely scary book as opposed to just shock factor, splatter punk style.

    3. CarolineKnappShappey on

      Some novels which I found creepy rather than gory: “The Woman in Black”, “The Haunting of Hill House” and “The Little Stranger”. I’m like you, in that I much prefer unsettling horror to the visceral gross-out type.

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