September 2024
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    1. Slaughterhouse 5 is my favorite. But another great one (which is also a really funny one!) is Cat’s Cradle. You won’t regret diving in to either of those.

    2. hyenas_are_good on

      I really like Cat’s Cradle, that’s where I started. Honestly, you can’t go wrong. Such a brilliant and unique author, and a joy to read.

    3. WalterStarbuck33 on

      I told my friend about Slaughterhouse-5 and he was a little apprehensive due to the science fiction element of it. I suggested Mother Night instead. He loved it and eventually loved Slaughterhouse-5.

    4. MitchellSFold on

      *Breakfast of Champions*

      Also, if you do audiobooks, John Malkovich does this one and it is an incredible reading. Just the correct level of sardonic and indignant to match Vonnegut’s style.

    5. Pick any one and you can’t go wrong. My random choice is God Bless You, Mr. Rosewater.

    6. PraysLikeARoman on

      I also recommend Mother Night. An alternative history of Nazi Germany. There was a film made of it with Nick Nolte which is quite good.

    7. First Vonnegut I read was Sirens of Titan. It made me fall completely in love with him as an author. Slaughterhouse 5 was also excellent

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