September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I have been looking for ”Nobel Prize” level writing in books with horror, thriller or simply generally horrifying/supernatural themes. Can anyone give me tips on authors/books?

    Odd question, I know, but I truly like horror, however I am quite easily put off by writing not to my taste. If the prose isnt up to par, I simply cannot go on.

    So, what Im asking for is tips for writers that could have gotten a Nobel Prize or simply writes some amazing prose. Preferably fiction, but eg essays also work.

    As an example Knausgårds The Morning Star has had more tension and creepy imagery to me than most horror books ive read, plus the writing is sublime.

    The books can be really heavy or super pretentious or whatever, it doesnt matter. Give me the Lars von Triers ”Antichrist” as books!

    Examples of what Ive consumed that fit in this category is (to me):
    • Cormac McCarthy
    • Knausgård
    • Ligotti
    • Heart of Darkness
    • We have always lived in this Castle, Haunting of Hill House by Shirley Jackson
    • Grendel by Gardner
    • Several by Kafka (Metamorphosis, The Trial, etc)
    • Several short stories by Steinbeck
    • Several by Joyce Carol Oates
    • The Double by Dostoevsky
    • Huysmanns eg La-bas

    Any and all tips are appreciated!

    by rillack

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