September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I've really loved books that are somewhat melancholic and deep but also light and fun at the same time recently. I can't find very many of them and browsing websites never works for me because all the reviews look like they were written by bots.

    I loved Everything Everything by Nicola Yoon and have plans to read the sun is also a star

    I just finished (and absolutely adored, I'm sad I don't own this book) Aristotle and Dante discover the secrets on the universe and am planning to read the sequel and The Inexplicable Logic of My Life, but both are at my library and I'll be done with them before the end of August.

    Trying to fish out decent reading material has just been a chore for me recently and with all the booktok recs that typically have very explicit scenes and the sea full of YA having the same things that I'm trying to fish through right now is really sapping my motivation to read, so anyone with a recommendation is extremely appreciated!!!! And don't just limit it to non explicit, I don't mind those books, I'm just looking for some books that don't have it quite so descriptively.

    by Pap3r_Butt3rfly

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