September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Going through a phase in early adulthood where I feel like I am doing nothing with my life. Wake up – work – do some random useless shts until my eyes are tired – sleep – wake up – so on… Feels like I'm wasting my youth, my life. I'm 26, and feels like in a blink of an eye, I will have more responsibility that I will regret not doing anything now. This feeling has been keeping me awake at night and I barely get enough sleep thinking about it.

    Cheesy as it sounds, I just want some company on this journey until I overcome it someday.

    You can also suggest me a self help book, though I read a lot of self help before and it has no effect on me at all. I mean that sudden urge to change your life after you read some very insightful phrase. It's worth checking and condisering given my request is is a bit odd.

    TYIA for the suggestions!

    by Jajajajambo

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