September 2024
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    I am looking for a book similar to game of thrones with multiple factions/governments/family's all at war with each other essentially involving fighting and diplomacy

    suggest me a book!

    by Few_Alarm_361


    1. funningincircless on

      The Way Of Kings, the uncle of a king leads a war against the people who assassinated his brother, but it gets complicated when he starts to believe he has a higher calling.

    2. IntrepidInterest9883 on

      Abercrombie? Not so much houses, although that happens sort of in the second trilogy. Start with the first though, The First Law. Then second, Age of Madness.

    3. zamshazam1995 on

      Jade City by Fonda Lee is all about families fighting over control of a city, and the jade which they sell and gives them powers? It’s complex and really good.

      For a more classic fantasy, I liked the Priory of the Orange Tree by Samantha Shannon. It’s a chunky one, but it’s all about countries uniting to use dragons to fight a war for the planet. Think Game of Thrones, but if George RR Martin actually gave us good female characters.

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