September 2024
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    The spoiler is just a lil quote at the end, nothing really major

    Booked mentioned:

    Les Amités partculiéres-Roger Peyrefite

    The infinite noise- Lauren Shippen

    Hey yall,
    I’m 16 and just recently got into reading, before I just did not have the patience to read. But now I’m the hopes of improving my self I’ve begun to read a little. The first book I read was the infinite noise by Lauren Shippen. It was good, I liked the story line, I felt it was relatable in a sense. The only I didn’t like was that to me it felt more child centered, it felt written for a kid to me.( it could well have been, I did not check😭)

    I’ve watched the movie “LES AMITIÉS PARTICULIÈRES” from the the 60s many times and loved it. So I decided to read the book as my next( still not done yet) and omg do I love it. For one the romance, not to steamy but enough to let your imagination roam. I love the loyalty and dedication they have for each other it makes me hope for something like that one day. I also love the style it’s written in, I would call it “ old English” though I don’t know the proper name. I love love love love the way this book is written, everything about it to me is good. I never believed the whole “ the book is so much better than the movie” until now, AND I HAVENT EVEN FINISHED IT YET.

    For a recommendation my main things are a gay book like the 2 I mentioned, preferably like Les Amités partculiéres where it’s not necessarily a “realtionship”. I want it to be in the old English style( I think it’s called gothic script but I could be completely wrong). Preferably originally French or Italian translated to English ( so far I have found I prefer that), and prefeberly older like 1900s- 1960s.

    I’m aware Roger Peyrefite has witten other books, I have not looked into them. If any one has read please let me hear your opinions

    Any suggestions are helpful, I’m just trying to to find more books like this in hopes of staying of social media.

    Here’s a quote from Les Amités partculiéres to show the writing style I’m looking for, because I don’t know what it’s called “When he got back to the house he found a picture postcard waiting for him—as if it had delayed its arrival until his cousins had gone. It bore only two words: Ever. Alexander. Enchanted, Georges went up to his room, there to dream at his ease.
    True, he would have wished for a longer message, but he had an imagination which enabled him to paraphrase his friend's happy laconicism.
    Here was Eternity supported by a name, just as, on the gold stater, the name supported Victory; it was enough. His friend was giving him all that mattered in giving himself for ever.
    Georges took pleasure in seeing his own name and mere address written by Alexander's hand, in a handwriting prouder, firmer, and even more elegant than that of the notes.”

    by Rowdyspeaks42

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