September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I’ve been reading some heavy (but fun) books as of late. Things like sci-fi, historical fiction and fantasy.

    The thing is, I’m going through some really tough life moments and I need to be distracted. I don’t want to cry or become emotionally wrecked by a book right now. So, I thought why not try a cutesy romance kind of thing?

    I’ve never really read a romance novel. I searched for a few days. I read many a goodreads reviews, articles and friend suggestions. I landed on a book called “If Only You” by Chloe Liese. I got 17 min and just couldn’t take it anymore. It was so dumb. The names were silly. The audiobook narrator is a female who tried to lower her voice for male parts and it sounds so stupid. I know there’s something better out there. Help me out. And yes, I’m aiming for an audiobook to make it easier to find time to read in this busy thing called adulthood. I have hope! Please and thank you!

    by midnight_weirdo

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