September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I just finished Outlawed by Anna North. It’s gotten some mixed reviews but I personally really enjoyed it. I’d never really ventured into historical fiction but I really loved being able to escape into a world I don’t know (Wild West in the late 1800s, if you’re unfamiliar with the book)

    So, would anyone have any recommendations? Alternate history? Hopefully some queer characters/themes, or even just something that’s a little off the wall?

    by neuro_illogical

    1 Comment

    1. IconicallyChroniced on

      Everything by Sarah Waters. She’s brilliant, and does intense historical research to get the feeling of the time accurate. Some incredibly steamy scenes, moving, brilliant works.

      Start with Tipping the Velvet if you aren’t sure where to begin.

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