September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Dear people!

    I am currently writing an essay on male trauma and how it needs for the changes on men and masculinity that are currently happening. I am trying to explore how traditional roles are opressive to men in many ways and what different perspectives are there right now regarding positive masculinity, a new masculinity etc (different people, different approaches).

    Let me be very clear: I discovered the book Nontoxic Masculinity, Allyship, and Feminist Philosophy and I found it great because it does not appeal to conservatism, it is very respectful of the current progress in gender equality and just tries to find what are the new paths being carved for masculinity and for people who want to express that.

    I am not interested in any way in books that appeal to "returning to judeochristian values" or turn this matter in a gender war were "feminazis" have banned men from being men.

    I want to read more about men's troubles and complexities, but I want to find new ways of masculinity without scapegoating on other people, as there are lots of great masculine examples in today's life to follow.

    Any contribution will be highly appreciated 🙂 If you want to suggest any other media I will also take a look at these 🙂

    by yaknostoyok


    1. hmmwhatsoverhere on

      *The will to change* by bell hooks

      *Turn this world inside out* by Nora Samaran

      *For the love of men* by Liz Plank 

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