October 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Welcome to our weekly recommendation thread! A few years ago now the mod team decided to condense the many "suggest some books" threads into one big mega-thread, in order to consolidate the subreddit and diversify the front page a little. Since then, we have removed suggestion threads and directed their posters to this thread instead. This tradition continues, so let's jump right in!

    The Rules

    • Every comment in reply to this self-post must be a request for suggestions.

    • All suggestions made in this thread must be direct replies to other people's requests. Do not post suggestions in reply to this self-post.

    • All unrelated comments will be deleted in the interest of cleanliness.

    How to get the best recommendations

    The most successful recommendation requests include a description of the kind of book being sought. This might be a particular kind of protagonist, setting, plot, atmosphere, theme, or subject matter. You may be looking for something similar to another book (or film, TV show, game, etc), and examples are great! Just be sure to explain what you liked about them too. Other helpful things to think about are genre, length and reading level.

    All Weekly Recommendation Threads are linked below the header throughout the week to guarantee that this thread remains active day-to-day. For those bursting with books that you are hungry to suggest, we've set the suggested sort to new; you may need to set this manually if your app or settings ignores suggested sort.

    If this thread has not slaked your desire for tasty book suggestions, we propose that you head on over to the aptly named subreddit /r/suggestmeabook.

    • The Management

    by AutoModerator


    1. gimmethechips on

      Seeking some great books for a 10yo male reader. As part of a digital generation, this kid is cynical as 😂 generally prefers non fiction but would consider fiction if the story was gripping enough. i don’t know where to start.

    2. BadassSasquatch on

      I’m looking for a book with similar humor to the Naked Gun movies. The protagonist doesn’t have to be a detective but bonus points if that’s the case.

    3. XBreaksYFocusGroup on

      Does anyone know any good books or resources which talk about the evolution and ethnography of different regional alphabets or scripts? Specifically, their aesthetics?

    4. Does anyone know of a good biography of [Sabbatai Zevi](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sabbatai_Zevi) and his followers? He was spoken about at length in the book *The Story of the Jews* by Simon Schama, but I’m interested in a more indepth look at him and his history than that book offered

    5. pplantperson on

      Identifying Genres:
      I am an elementary school teacher and I am working on organizing my classroom library this summer. I tried using Classroom Booksource to sort the books by genre but I realized it only tells me if the books are fiction/nonfiction. I have all of the books on a spreadsheet (from booksource) and I was wondering if anyone knows a website that could identify the genres without searching each book individually, as there are over 250 books on the spreadsheet. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated, thank you!!

    6. Former_Reputation_34 on

      Can you suggest any book in amazon, that is choose your own adventure but related to mental health?

    7. iwasjusttwittering on

      I’m looking for a specific (presumably SF) novel set in a former mining town that deals with themes of environmental catastrophe and/or the community’s decline; I think the protagonist is supposed to explore the area/mine and uncover the disaster that unfolded there. I saw it referenced either here on Reddit, or in a YouTube essay.

      I started reading Jeff VanderMeer’s Southern Reach Trilogy thinking that it was it, but it obviously wasn’t.

    8. Conscious-Freedom789 on

      I would love thrillers/suspense books that don’t have a lot of language/sex. I’ve never gone out of the Christian fiction bubble and so I have no idea where to start

    9. I love books like Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro and Piranesi by Susanna Clarke. Really would love any new recommendations that are similar. Thanks!

    10. Bit of a shot in the dark but I’m curious if there’s anyone familiar with the Myth games (or has seen Mandalore’s videos on them) who might know a similar setting. It’s almost a medieval undead apocalypse kind of situation, led by resurrected lords, with hints to some ancient horrors worse than those currently ending the world. [This bit](https://i.imgur.com/bm4mmKT.png) specifically puts me in mind of Lovecraft’s stories and I would love more of that.

    11. youthfulnegativity on

      Looking for something super specific here:
      I’m looking for a well-researched IRA crime thriller under the backdrop of the Northern Ireland conflict anywhere from 1970-1990’s.

      I want Don Winslow’s The Power of the Dog but make it IRA. Any suggestions welcome!

    12. PercyJackson_Fan13 on

      Looking for a fantasy book that does not have smut. Similar to the book, The Children of Blood and Bones. I also love mythology books. Any suggestions welcome. 

    13. loadedhunter3003 on

      Looking for books with a teenage protagonist preferably and unique premises. I like good worldbuilding where we see the day to day interactions of the protagonists in light of the unique premises or circumstances. Some of my favourite books are Wonder, The Giver, The Book Thief, and Temple.

    14. Mission_Order_7976 on

      Looking for a book similar to Harry Potter, hunger games divergent (a good romance (love Ron and hermione) and some side stuff going on). Specifically love spy stuff/people on a mission/journey (with fake dating, sharing bed tropes). I’ve been trying to get into six of crows but cant

    15. Is poppy war going to continue to be this brutal? I read the chapter where they get to that one city and I know it’s described by people as a realistic war, and I can handle brutal when it comes to adults, but babies!!!! This chapter made me so sick to my stomach and upset me so much. Are there any more scenes like this in the rest of the series? If so I may have to dnf. Normally I like dark but this was too much.

      I was really loving this book too.

    16. I’m looking for the Harry Potter of sci-fi. Something for teen English language learners.

      A range of reading levels would be helpful, and more than a few suggestions because it would be great to find something I’d like to read as well.

      Ideally A page turner for them, big questions for me.

    17. thewayoftheroadbubs on

      I really enjoyed Preston & Childs Pendergast series and Jeffrey Deaver’s Lincoln Rhymes series. I would love some more series recommendations similar to these.

    18. I just finished Dorothy Dunnett’s Lymond Chronicles and am gobsmacked by how good they were. I’ve never read any other fiction that comes close; I loved the depth and realness of the cast (even side characters are fully fleshed out and 3D), the intricate weaving of plots and side plots, the exquisite quality of the prose, and the patience with which she builds her arcs so the tragedies or payoffs are full, emotional, and real–even if it takes several books’ investment to get there. All of the historical richness is just a luxurious bonus. Any recs for authors as skilled as Dunnett? This series is historical fiction but I’d love a good rec in any sub-genre of fiction.

    19. Odd-Alarm4293 on

      I am looking for a “non weird” (kinky) smut. What I mean is I want a book that also has a rich story and does not contaon any “taboos” or weird power dynamics (infedelity, incest, large age gaps, rapey stuff, teacher-student relationship, etc).

    20. Icy-Brick2257 on

      Hi I’m looking for a Greek retelling horror book similar to Those we Drown by Amy goldsmith. I would be happy if it had: Cults/Sacrifices,ties to underworld or the sea and People disappearing . Thanks 🙂

    21. AbbreviationsIcy673 on

      Hi everyone!
      I really enjoyed the books:
      Mr mercedes
      The Silent Patient
      I also like the genre of psychological thriller, thriller. Also I like when a book keeps in tension from the very first to the last page. Unpredictable denouement of the plot, etc.
      I would be very happy if reddit users could suggest me some books that might interest me.

      Thank you so much!

    22. Hey folks, looking for a fantasy or historical fiction book that gives the reader good perspective on what it *feels* to live in a feudal society, with a focus on warfare, and how war is handled. The wider the perspective on covering war, the better.

    23. Hi! I’m looking to read a scary book. I’ve read Stephen King but I don;t really find him scary (great books tho). I want a book that will truly scare me lol. I don’t care if its murder or cults or demons, as long as it’s very scary I will read it!

    24. Western-Slip-6340 on

      Hello! I am looking for fantasy books with a rich ‘cultural’ world building, i.e. books in which folklore such as songs, nursery rhymes, legends and references to (fictional) historical events are mentioned and play a big role. I really liked A Song of Ice and Fire and am currently considering Malazan Book of the Fallen but am a bit put off because of its sheer lenght. Any other recommendations?

    25. I’m looking for a book series after finishing the Asian saga by James Clavell. I loved Tai Pan and Noble House. Would any of you have a good series I could dip into?

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