September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I’ve noticed online that a lot of people have strong opinions about different genres of books. Are there any genres you feel are misjudged?

    For me it’s urban fantasy and horror. Originally I was perturbed from horror novels because I dislike horror movies. Once I picked up my first horror novel that entire view shifted. It wasn’t just jump scares and scenes written to make the reader uncomfortable like I originally thought. Fear and horror can be used to portray complex and important themes while also conveying an entertaining story. Into the Drowning Deep by Mira Grant was my first in the genre and it led me to becoming a massive Stephen King fan and find so many other favorite books and authors that happened to be horror.
    Urban Fantasy has always been one of my favorite genres although I feel like it’s often downplayed and discredited. Yes there are cheesy and badly written books in the genre, but there are also great ones. I feel like one of the main adult urban fantasy series I see recommended now a days is the Dresden Files. It seems like it is taken more seriously and popularized partially because it’s from a male perspective. The October Daye series by Seanan McGuire is so good and I wish it was more appreciated. The plot and characters are incredible. Every book only gets better as the series progresses. YA urban fantasy differs from that opinion although I think romantasy semi took the genres place. Cassandra Clare’s books got me into the genre.

    by Quirky_Dimension1363

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