September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Which one should I read first, Notes from Underground or Crime and Punishment.

    by TomRiddl3Jr


    1. nobustomystop on

      Whist I note peoples preference for time lines. White nights is a good starting point. But if these are your only choices Underground.

    2. NewtonLeibnizDilemma on

      I’ve read both. First Crime and punishment then notes form the underground. And I would highly recommend this order even though crime and punishment is significantly bigger.

      I think it’s more story based and a great introduction to Russian literature in general while notes from the underground is slightly harder because it involves social dynamics which maybe wouldn’t make sense to someone reading Dostoyevsky for the first time.

      It’s not on your options but I would also recommend The Idiot after you read these and The player

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