September 2024
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    1. LaFleurRouler on

      Honestly, I find anything that could have been life changing when I was younger is still life changing now because it helps me understand my younger self better and have more compassion for younger, dumber me.

      It’s literally never “too late” for anything.

    2. CaptainLaCroix on

      So I read Kerouac’s On the Road when I was around twenty years old. I loved it and it probably informed the way I viewed and interacted with the world throughout my early and mid 20s. Then last year as a 30-something I decided to read The Dharma Bums, and while I enjoyed it, it seemed a little immature or vacuous. I think if I had read it at twenty I would have found it to be profound, but reading it now it was just a well written story about some young, dumb kids.

      That being said I generally agree with the other commenter that the best books continue to remain relevant no matter your age. My favorite books (the ones that I reread every few years) never cease to teach me something new or offer some insight that I hadn’t seen before.

    3. Former-Chocolate-793 on

      The Skeptics Guide to the Universe. I should have read this when it came out. Would have helped me deal with the loons during covid better.

    4. Honestly the little prince. It’s so adorable and good, I do wish I read it as a kid

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