September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Please tell me the best book youve read about organization, decluttering, how to actually learn how to organize!

    Both physically with homes and rooms, but also decluttering your mind as well!

    I struggle with organization on a very "mental" level.

    Its like, when i go to try and clean and organize i basically get "writers block" and my mind goes absolutely blank and i dont know what to do, ever.

    Organization was never taught to me growing up whatsoever, and i seriously struggle with this where its starting to really negatively affect my life.

    So please!!!! Any suggestions are very much appreciated :')

    by i_am_scared_ok


    1. brusselsproutsfiend on

      I found The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo (and the accompanying TV show) helpful for strategizing organizing

    2. PracticalEye9400 on

      Not a book, but for tidying up, someone once told me to start in the corner of a room and work your way out. Things that don’t belong in the room get moved to the edge. You can either put the miscellaneous things away when you’re done with a room or move onto another space and work your way out from the corner finding places for the things that don’t belong at the end

    3. “Decluttering at the Speed of Life” by Dana K White – concrete steps to get through reducing your stuff and organizing the rest.

      “How to Keep House While Drowning” by KC Davis – how to decouple morality and care tasks (i.e. you’re not a bad person if your space is messy), how to prioritize and get the bare minimum done under most circumstances.

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