September 2024
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    I’m loving Valarie Burns series “two parts sugar one part murder” book 3 is on hold for 4 weeks 😭 AND no audio book for it yet (even outside of Libby).

    It’s perfectly balanced imo; not too much of any one thing and it’s keeping me on my toes! Now, I’m trying to find more books like it.

    Anyone read them and if so can you recommend something like it?

    Some info that might be helpful:

    Things I like about the series (with NO spoilers):

    -Black characters

    -City girl moves to a small town

    -Murder (but not graphics gory)

    -Mystery, suspense, and plot twists!

    -Romance (but NOT 50 shades of grey💀)

    -Lighthearted, modern, and funny

    -Is a series that has great continuation of the story and characters from book 1-2; if you accidentally read it out of order you could easily get the idea of the previous book without missing too much.

    Other things I’d like in a book/series in general:

    -More plot twists

    -Love triangle or love betrayal 😲

    -Queer characters

    -Supernatural or sci-fi

    -Spies and secret agents (Mr. & Mrs. Smith ?)

    -Longer series or an author with multiple series that are similar

    I’m currently reading Tessa Bailey “fix her up” series while I wait for the next book. 😅she gets PRETTY NSFW, but the story is good and I’ve seen much worse lol. I’m also reading her series “secretly yours”.

    Anyways, that’s the background info I have! Thanks in advance💕 happy reading!

    Edit: formatting was wonky on mobile so I fixed it best I could.

    by OriginalSlight

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