September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hello all
    When I was young, too young to be reading such a book,I read a book I can no longer remember the name or author of.
    Year I read it: somewhere between 2006-2010 at a guess
    This book had a simple cover with, from memory, a one or two word title.

    What I remember:
    A young child who's mother remarried/seeing a man who was angry and abusive
    I believe he killed the dog at one point

    There was a bush on their property and the child used to give "offerings" to the bush in hope for mum to get better, dad to be nicer, things to get better.
    I'm pretty sure she found the missing family dog in there at one point…

    It all came to a crocendo when the child ran away to nearby lake taking a boat with them
    I believe than man followed the kid out and called them in the dark and rain

    The story may have been centred around more than one child in that home

    If u guys get this one, I have more for u yo find for me xx

    by Other_Combination122

    1 Comment

    1. You could also ask the folks in r/whatsthatbook

      Pro tip: They are most helpful when you follow the Rules posted there.

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