September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    To Sleep in a Sea of Stars by u/ChristopherPaolini

    Did you read this book? if so, what are your thoughts?

    Just finished this massive 1,000+ page sci-fi. I'd rate it 3.5 / 5.0. Writing (grammar, spelling, etc.) was good, didn't find.any mistakes.

    Action scenes were well done (except one of the action scenes went on and on, just way too long). The characters seemed to have the right amount of balance between introspection and extroversion. The FTL (faster than light) travel was pretty cool.

    Storyline was interesting. Some parts, like when she realized she created the nightmares and the Mawwere a bit unclear to me. The book was so long I forgot some parts that it referred to 300 pages prior. I don't remember reading about that part. I'm still a bit confused about it.

    Most endings in books are not satisfying. But the end to this book was satisfying. I enjoyed the end probably the best.

    Final thoughts: Good book but too long. Overall I liked it. Would recommend to avid sci-fi readers.

    by Joeclu

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