September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    When I was younger I read for endless hours, any fantasy I could get my hands on: Butcher, Rothfuss, Martin, Weeks, things I guess more high fantasy coming of age related stuff.

    I tried a similar book last year and had a hard time getting through it. I'm not sure if it's because I've fallen out of love with the genre or if the book was very boilerplate, hero – gets power – wins.

    I don't mind the formula but I'd love a fantasy book with maybe a little more. Any recommendations are greatly appreciated!

    by ign108x3


    1. Then_Veterinarian159 on

      oh boy it’s because the dust is leaving you(his dark materials meme)

    2. Thats_A_Paladin on

      What was the similar book you read that didn’t work? That would really help narrow down the recommendations.

    3. helloimalanwatts on

      I would say reread some of your fantasy favorites to see if you still love it. Could be you need to explore other genres.

    4. Book of the New Sun by Gene Wolfe. It’s sci-fi/ fantasy. Very good.

      Beowulf (Seamus Heaney translation)

      The Hobbit/ LOTR if you haven’t already read them.

    5. Scuttling-Claws on

      Running Close to the Wind by Alexandra Rowland

      Pet by Akwaeke Emezi

      The Fifth Season by N.K Jemisin

      Chlorine by Jade Song

      Catherine House by Elizabeth Thomas

      Legends and Lattes by Travis Baldree

    6. djfishfingers on

      It’s practically a meme at this point. But have you tried Brandon Sanderson? He got me out of a bad reading slump with Mistborn. Then I read the Way of Kings and I’m back to reading.

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