September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I am otherwise open to any genre. I have enjoyed British humor immensely – Notes from a small island, A year in merde, Norse mythology, Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy, Northanger Abbey.

    Also some others like- Zeus grants stupid wishes, Bossypants, Yes please.

    Please suggest more. I need more humor in my life.

    by PotatoFloats


    1. Heroes and Mythos by Stephen Fry. Infinite Jest by some guy with last name Wallace I think.

    2. SuitcaseOfSparks on

      I will always always always recommend Patrick McManus for humor!

      He writes the funniest short stories all about the outdoors, his story about the deer on the bicycle is fucking hilarious 😂

      I’d check out They Shoot Canoes, Don’t They? and A Fine And Pleasant Misery.

    3. MajesticExtent9661 on

      Imagine this: your ship and crew are stuck in a storm, and all hope seems to have been lost, but you get this stupid idea to turn the sail of your ship into a kite and soar over the storm to escape it. That is the kind of man our captain was, The Captain Jinx. Although for a brief moment, their plan seemed to work. but it all came crashing down eventually. Quite literally too but our captain without wasting a moment commanded his crew to reef the sails, as he came to a conclusion that he fucked around and found out.


    4. LoneWolfette on

      If you like British humour, the classic British comedy is Three Men in a Boat (To Say Nothing of the Dog) by Jerome K Jerome.


    5. Pretend-Piece-1268 on

      I really liked Good Omens by Neil Gaiman & Terry Pratchett. There is no particular line I can quote but the fact that the Earth is a Libra is an interesting funny fact, I think 🙂

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