September 2024
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    I’ve found myself using these exact words when discussing ‘A Little Life’ by Hanya Yanagihara and the ‘All For The Game’ series by Nora Sakavic as both have extreme trigger warnings that I wouldn’t go out of my way to recommend. Now I’m just super curious to hear other people’s experiences/suggestions.

    by ravenovella


    1. If I love a book, I’m hyping it up. Even if it’s not in a genre my friends typically read, I will recommend it.

    2. Sea-Necessary-5092 on

      “Extreme trigger warnings”

      Like what?

      You can tell me, I’m a big boy.

    3. Infinite Jest. I think it requires some trust and commitment from the reader and it’s probably best for a reader to come in familiar with the author and appreciate their shorter stuff before diving in. Same could be said for a lot of the “big” books.

    4. I know it gets recommended everywhere, but House of Leaves. I personally love it but I’m totally aware it’s not 90% of peoples’ thing, and it definitely feels like work to read.

    5. Consent by. Vanessa Springora

      It’s a memoir about a woman who was in a relationship with her pedo teacher. Everyone around her failed her and she still ended up with another older guy, but failed to see the resemblance between the two. I had a similar experience so it brought some buried feelings for me and helped me identify other issues I failed to see before.

      It was a 5 ⭐️read for me but I can see someone getting disturbed by it.

    6. Pod. I wouldn’t say I loved it, I loved bits of it but there was way too much dolphin rape. Dolphins are like that but I could never recommend it to anyone without them judging me.

    7. Name of the Wind.

      I really enjoyed the first one when it first came out. The second was kinda meh but that’s most middle books in a supposed trilogy. But seeing as how Rothfuss will never actually finish the series, and refuses to give any updates on it to anyone (including his editor), I can’t in good conscience recommend his works anymore.

      I’d also avoid the Gentlemen Bastards series by Scott Lynch as well for the same reason even though the 3 books we have are great. It’s been 11 years since the last book though. I know he’s had some issues in the past and he’s more open about progress, unlike Rothfuss, so Scott Lynch gets more of a pass than Rothfuss in my mind.

    8. Everybody loves large chests series.

      I love the idea of following a monster , but the other stuff… and apparently I’m getting the tailored version since the novel is even worst than the audio books but yea it’s one I listen to and enjoy the parts I like and move on.

    9. Unvrguesswho on

      if you guys want to check out a book, called the ancestrian theory– you might find that pretty wild, it is definitely a book that religions and governments do not want us to read, because it tells and shows a lot of the lies that were told to all of us about life and what we actually are. It’s hilarious.

      and if you watch the follow up messages after this post I am putting here you will see what I mean

      I have a troll with about 100 different accounts here following me around going nuts every time I mention the book The Ancestrian Theory– so I keep doing it just for fun now!!!!! — there is something about that truth, which is disclosed in the book that is driving some people in power totally nuts, — but it is definitely something you should read—
      so wait for the comments and enjoy the show 😂😂😂😂

      Whoever it is, must be part of some organization that really does not want what is in that book told to the public LMFAO, just wait and see the posts that show up after this you’re gonna laugh your ass off

    10. ouqturabeauty on

      The Mirror Season by Anna-Marie McLemore

      It’s an absolutely beautiful book that centers around a SA. Not everyone’s cup of tea, but I would absolutely recommend it to survivors of SA. Trouble is I don’t know who to recommend it to, and I don’t want to explain to friends/family/acquaintances why I related to it so much

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