September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I've wanted to get more into fantasy recently, so I made a reading challenge on StoryGraph with prompts based on Magic Types. Now I need help finding reads to fulfil each prompt.

    TL;DR – I'm looking for novels or stories with a magic system showcasing one or more of these types of magic.

    IMPORTANT – Please, please, please, do me a favour and leave the number of the prompt you're recommending the book for. Thank you in advance.


    1. Necromancy – Magic involving the manipulation of death and the dead. Including things like resurrection.

    2. Divination – Magic used to foresee or predict future events or gain insight into hidden knowledge. 

    3. Enchantment – Magic that imbues objects or beings with special properties. 

    4. Alchemy – Magic that involves the transmutation of matter, often seeking to turn base metals into gold or create elixirs.

    5. Abjuration – Magic dedicated to protection, warding off harm, and banishing entities. 

    6. Evocation – Magic focusing on summoning a spirit, demon, familiar or other supernatural being or force.

    7. Conjuration – Magic that calls forth creatures, objects, or energies perhaps from other places or planes.

    8. Illusion – Magic that creates false images or sensations, deceiving the senses.

    9. Voodoo – Magic associated with traditional African spiritual practices, involving rituals, spirits, and hexes.

    10. Black Magic – Magic associated with the dark arts, curses, great costs, and getting more than you bargained for in deals with the devil.

    11. Onomancy – Magic based on the power of true names and words.

    12. Blood Magic – Magic that uses the power of blood to cast spells, perhaps requiring sacrifices or drawing on the caster's own life force.

    13. Technomancy – Magic that interacts with or enhances technology.

    14. Psionics – Magic involving mental powers, such as telepathy, telekinesis, and mind control.

    15. Charms – Magic that either that provides small, beneficial effects, or perhaps one that influences minds.

    16. Theurgy – Magic deriving power from the invocation or evocation of deities or a divine source.

    17. Biomancy – Magic focused on manipulating living organisms, perhaps enhancing or mutating them.

    18. Elemental – Magic controlling or harnessing elemental forces. This can be nature as a whole, metals, or the classic four. (P.S. there are bonus prompts for if you want to break it into the four classical elements and read a separate book for each)

    19. Dimensional – Magic dealing with spatial manipulation, planar travel/alternate dimensions, or the creation of portals.

    20. Potions – Magic involving the brewing of liquids with magical properties for various effects.

    21. Conduit – Magic that channels or directs magical energy through objects like wands, runes, trinkets, artefacts, and so on.

    22. Clairvoyance – Magic that bridges the gap between the plane of spirits and the living world, allowing communication with the dead.

    23. Transfiguration – Magic that changes the appearance or structure of a person or object.

    Bonus Prompts
    18a – Pyromancy
    18b – Geomancy
    18c – Aeromancy
    18d – Hydromancy

    by Dislexzak


    1. BelmontIncident on

      A Deadly Education by Naomi Novik focuses on divination and black magic. It’s also literally set at a magic school.

      The Curse of Chalion by Lois McMaster Bujold has theurgy and evocation.

      The Farseer Trilogy by Robin Hobb has magic that’s mostly psionics, although it’s used for illusion, biomancy and arguably necromancy.

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