September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    [Quick disclaimer: This is not me hating on these authors, their genre or audiences, if anything, I'm impressed with readers who can keep up with it 🙂 ]

    I often see in self improvement books authors including tons of stats that support why their method is the best. They speak about all of these other studies they know that helped them synthesise the best possible solution which will be explained just after I explain this other study that really spoke to me during my research. I understand that they are backing up their work, but I find it hard to keep track of the author's own synthesised solution when they are so often going into tangents about other studies. It kinda reads like a journal article or research paper, which I suppose in a sense, it is. I also understand that this is a me problem but it's worth an ask.

    My question is, are their any books of this genre that lay off of the statistics somewhat and are slightly more consumable to the amateur non-fiction reader? Or am I ignorant to the fact that this is every book in this genre?

    Sincerely, someone who only reads fiction.

    by aichie36249

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