September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I am a Girl, that Always liked Fantasy. I am currently looking for a new book but I dont want to read whole chapters of ppl hooking up. I want a nice world and smth to just get lost in. I really liked the shadow and bone books, minus the sex part, so if there even is smth like that out there, please let me know…
    Thx and have a nice day

    by capyloverq


    1. I could suggest a few, but I keyed in on you saying ‘a world to get lost in’

      Check out the Tidechild Trilogy by RJ Barker

      First book is The Bone Ships

    2. brusselsproutsfiend on

      Foundryside by Robert Jackson Bennett

      The Obsidian Tower by Melissa Caruso

      The Priory of the Orange Tree by Samantha Shannon

      The Black Tides of Heaven by Neon Yang

      A Deadly Education by Naomi Novik

      The House Witch by Delemhach

    3. Mistborn or Warbreaker by Brandon Sanderson – I think he’s the perfect transition point for people coming out of romantasy and wanting to get into more traditional fantasy.

    4. *The Priory of the Orange Tree*? Definitely a world to get lost in, and it has a large cast of characters, most of whom are not even shown to be interested in sex, and for the few ones that are, the scenes are brief and not at all explicit and in total don’t take up more than 1-2 of the book’s 830 pages. (Yes, the book is long, but it feels shorter because there is A LOT going on.)

    5. KingBretwald on

      Anything by Lois McMaster Bujold. Start with *The Curse of Chalion* or *Penric’s Demon*.

      Most of T. Kingfisher’s books are Fantasy with romance, but there is very little, if any, sex. Start with *Clockwork Boys* or *Swordheart* or *Bryony and Roses*.

      *Sabriel* by Garth Nix.

      *The Goblin Emperor* by Katherine Addison.

      *Every Heart a Doorway* and *Middlegame* by Seanan McGuire.

      *The Unspoken Name* by A. K. Larkwood

      *The Hobbit* and *The Lord of the Rings* by JRR Tolkien.

      *Libriomancer* by Jim C. Hines

    6. Throne of Glass by Sarah J Maas sounds like it fits the bill. There is no spice until the last 3 books and even then it’s rare.

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