September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hi there, I'm not too much into reading and am trying to get into it more!

    I'm trying to find MLM fiction books that aren't YA romance novels, nor historical or fantasy (sorry if they are your thing!). I'm really not into lyrical/prose-y/poetic writing, nor enemies-to-lovers trope (so sorry).

    Something short'd be nice. I do like Heartstopper (I am 100% Nick), but I'd like to read MLM books with characters a bit more grown-up, in their 20s-ish. I like mystery books so if there's a mystery to solve amongst the MLM I'd like that. I do like flawed but redeemable characters like Camille from "Sharp Objects" or Cassie from "The Flight Attendant".

    Sorry if there aren't any book that fit these parameters. Have a nice day!

    by Sorry-For-Throwaway-

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