September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hello there lovelies,

    I'm trying to get back into “actual” reading (unfortunately fanfic ain’t counting as actual reading) and would love some book recs.

    To actually give you an idea of what I like:

    I have a longstanding love Harry Potter and enjoy fantasy.

    I like a bit of mystery and thriller but I also love whimsical stories (like the whimsical feel of HP1).

    I am not sure yet if I like romance books but I’m willing to try. I love me some queerness though.
    Do not, I beg you, recommend me the hot broody fae or abusive toxic relationship kinda romance, I don’t like it. I can have them be real people but I don’t want any abusive stuff. Not a fan of miscommunication trope either, makes me furious xD

    Character driven would be appreciated.

    I used to read a lot of Fitzek (Psychological Thriller) but that's not really my jam anymore.

    As I have problems with attention due to neurological issues I'd like something with a little to medium of flowery prose (lotr maybe a bit too much but HP too easy if you get what I mean).

    I cannot stand first person for the life of me and I'm not a fan of present tense.

    I hope I don't sounds too obnoxious and would be happy to hear your recommendations, thank you very much in advance and have a wonderful day 🥰

    Edit: I forgot to mention, I don’t want to read for the spice, if I want spice I can just open up ao3. I don’t mind it being in there per say but it shouldn’t be happening too often or be such a central part of the book of like, oh she’s such a virgin and he’s gonna show her all the ways or whatever.
    Also No CoHo, SJM or similar.

    by avrija

    1 Comment

    1. Here are some you might like. I honestly cannot remember what tense most things I have read were written in, but I know for sure these aren’t first person:

      * The Locked Tomb series by Tamsyn Muir. This author also writes fanfiction and you will notice some references to tropes common in fanfiction, especially in the second book. Space fantasy. Very queer. First book is third person, second book is a mix of second and third person with a little bit of first person. Third book is third person.

      * Babel-17 by Samuel R. Delany. Whimsical pulp sci fi. A little queerness.

      * Kindred by Octavia E. Butler. Incredibly well written characters. The main character is married as of the start of the book and has a supportive husband. No spice, no queerness.

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