September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I just started the the first audio book of The Wheel Of Time, narrated by Rosamund Pike. I really love her voice and had such high hopes because of the great reviews and that the whole series contains 14 books.

    I've been listening to it for three hours now but find that I really have to motivate myself to continue listening and being focused. I tried to search some similar reddit question but found it difficult to not come across spoilers. Some people also mentioned that it can be quit though if this is your first book in the fantasy genre. Should I push through or is the whole series a bit slow?

    If not, what would be a better first book? I really love the feeling of completely loosing yourself in to a book series. I'm not extremely committed to fantasy, but wanted to try something new. I love action adventure books with a bit of romance.
    My absolutele favorite audiobook is the Amber in the Ashes series, narrated by Aysha Kala and Jack Farrar.

    by Mangoplop

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