September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Anything like FBI or CIA but it doesn't have to be about those, or tied to US or any particular country, in fact they could be completely fictional.

    By realistic and satirical I mean an honest, not in any way idealized portrayal of the actual inner workings of this type of services, basically like the movie Wag the Dog, maybe also close to Catch-22 in tone and attitude to official/power structures. Actual flawed human beings doing vile but also painfully cynical and mundane stuff like planting psyops into genuine grass-roots groups, or fabricating said groups or ideas from scratch, doing shady unethical and often pointless research, enacting inhumane and bigoted politics because they are commanded to etc. –
    all of this between their second and third cups of coffee.

    (Except, again, they are all regular people, burnt out, apathetic, constantly putting out fires, and it's a mix between a corporate job and a clusterfuck, not an elite force of machiavellian world dominators.)

    It would also be fascinating, for example, to see a world caught in Pynchonian paranoia from inside the very center that produces all the fear and fabrications, and how it's either king with no clothes or the fabricators are the ones who's the most paranoid and are just dragging the rest of the world into their delusion or smth.

    The specifics don't really matter though; all I'm saying is there's a lot of potential in such a concept, and I would love to see if anyone tapped into it.

    by lone_lorn_creature


    1. You’re describing Mick Herron’s Slough House books, basis of the Slow Horses TV series.

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