July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Anonymous account because I’m sure I’ll be misunderstood, but I just really wanted to know if other bookworms felt the same way.

    I miss when reading was as simple as going to the library, saying “this looks interesting” and then enjoying it. Nowadays, I feel like I have to research every single author of every book that catches my eye, lest I support a terrible person. I miss the bliss that was ignorance when I was a child. I’m having trouble finding joy in reading anymore because I get exhausted from constantly having to update my list of Do Not Buy authors, as well as books, based on trying to cater to (very valid) sensitivities that have been brought to light about the content/author. I’m aware that there’s plenty of books out there by socially acceptable authors, but it just seems like it’s become harder and harder to find said authors.

    This post was inspired by my latest trip to the bookstore. I picked up a series, was really excited about it because it sounded interesting from the blurb, only to bring it excitedly to my book group and learn that actually the author is a piece of shit and the books are full of the evidence of said author’s shittiness. PLEASE tell me you are also exhausted by this.

    by tired_bookwyrm

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