September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Just a rant that hopefully others can relate to — nothing irks me more than when I search a book I desperately want to read on my local library's website/app, only to find that it's listed, but only as an eBook available on Hoopla. I have (and love) a Kindle but it seems the only way to read through Hoopla is on your phone/tablet/etc and not an actual e-reader — which I don't want to do because the bright screen light hurts to read too long on.

    Anyone else in this boat? Anyone have brilliant advice? My taste in books is largely relegated to nonfiction and a lot of it isn't terribly widely popular, so I get excited to see some of these obscure titles only to be let down when they're only available on Hoopla 🙁

    by withdavidbowie

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