September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I’ve been on this thread before asking for adventure books but now I’m asking for lgbtq+ books.

    Like, really amazing ones, about characters meeting (they either don’t like each other at first, which is the best trope as long as it’s not toxic)

    They discover their sexuality if they don’t know yet and they deal with what their families would think.

    I need me some angst, fluff, anything that make their love story really worth it.

    The characters are really interesting and you can’t help but root for them, they’re not selfish and if they are, it’s a part of their redemption arc and story.

    They could be pansexual, bi, gay, lesbian, any other sexuality.

    Honestly, just wanting an lgbtq+ romance story that’s really worth it and a double bonus if it is enemies to lovers. (Not toxic way)

    (No love at first sight though please)

    If y’all know any stories like that. Please tell me. Please and thank you 😁

    by PrettyTheory3566

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