September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hi everyone, new reader here, only just started late last year (at 30 years old!) and currently at my third this year (yeah, I’m on the slow side, I know!).  Here’s what I’ve tackled so far:

    Ready Player One

    The Martian

    Dark Matter

    I'm urrently chipping away at World War Z. I took a stab at The Three-Body Problem but didn’t finish it.

    On my to-read list:

    • Artemis

    • Project Hail Mary

    • A Psalm For the Wild-Built

    • A Prayer for the Crown-Shy

    • Recursion

    • Fight Club

    I’m nearing the end of World War Z and don’t particularly want to start any from my to-read pile just yet. Do you have any recommendations? I’d love to add some books you think I might enjoy. I generally like sci-fi, apocalyptic/post-apocalyptic, adventure, thriller/horror/mystery/supernatural stories. I would probably even love Star Wars/Marvel/DC novels if there are any good ones around. I don't particularly like fantasy like LOTR or GoT or love stories.

    Also, any advice on how to squeeze more reading into my schedule? I would love to read more but as mentioned, I’m quite slow, usually reading in bed for 10-30 minutes, on planes, or on holidays. My commute to work is either on a bike or a very short journey on the underground (less than 20 mins). How do people manage to read so much with work and other commitments?

    by IaryBreko

    1 Comment

    1. Ordinary_Tap_5333 on

      Have you tried any John Scalzi? I really liked his Haden Syndrome books, Old Man’s War, The Collapsing Empire trilogy, and the Dispatcher series. He is very funny, moves very quickly, very interesting worlds that are on the verge of being hard sci-fi, but cut off just before it gets too technical for very strange things to be able to happen. The Collapsing Empire is probably the closest he gets to hard sci-fi.

      I am mostly blind so mostly do not read by eyes, so maybe this is cheating haha, but I listen to audiobooks while I do chores or run errands, eat meals, take shower etc. i almost never just sit and read unless it is something too dense to make sense of by ears, like academic things for class haha. Which is to be honest, probably bad, and I am not getting as much out of book as I could, but I am such slow reader by eyes, I think if I didn’t do audiobooks, I would just never read.

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