September 2024
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    1. GraceWisdomVictory on

       **Revival by Stephen King**

         – When minister Charles Jacobs loses his faith after a tragic accident, he turns to electricity as a new form of salvation. Decades later, his obsession with the power of electricity leads to horrifying experiments that blur the line between science and religion.

      **The Omen by David Seltzer**

         – Robert Thorn’s joy at the birth of his son turns to terror when he discovers that the child, Damien, is the Antichrist.

    2. Potato-4-Skirts on

      I know this isn’t a film sub, but if you’re into religious horror then definitely check out St Maud. Great film.

      For books, try Devil’s Day or The Loney by Andrew Michael Hurley. They have slow burn folk horror vibes.

    3. [Hell Followed With Us]( by Andrew Joseph White

      Blurb from Goodreads:

      >>> Prepare to die. His kingdom is near.

      >>> Sixteen-year-old trans boy Benji is on the run from the cult that raised him—the fundamentalist sect that unleashed Armageddon and decimated the world’s population. Desperately, he searches for a place where the cult can’t get their hands on him, or more importantly, on the bioweapon they infected him with.

      >>> But when cornered by monsters born from the destruction, Benji is rescued by a group of teens from the local Acheson LGBTQ+ Center, affectionately known as the ALC. The ALC’s leader, Nick, is gorgeous, autistic, and a deadly shot, and he knows Benji’s darkest secret: the cult’s bioweapon is mutating him into a monster deadly enough to wipe humanity from the earth once and for all.

      >>> Still, Nick offers Benji shelter among his ragtag group of queer teens, as long as Benji can control the monster and use its power to defend the ALC. Eager to belong, Benji accepts Nick’s terms…until he discovers the ALC’s mysterious leader has a hidden agenda, and more than a few secrets of his own.

      >>> A furious, queer debut novel about embracing the monster within and unleashing its power against your oppressors.

    4. The Sentinel by Jeffrey Konvitz (it’s on sale for $2 right now)

      >Aspiring model Allison Parker finally moves into her dream apartment: a brownstone on Manhattan’s Upper West Side. But her perfect home quickly turns hellish.
      The building is filled with a cast of sinister tenants, including a reclusive blind priest, who seems to watch her day and night through an upstairs window. Eventually, Allison starts hearing strange noises from the empty apartment above hers. Before long, she uncovers the building’s demonic secret and is plunged into a nightmare of sinful misdeeds and boundless evil.

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