September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I'm in a bind about Cormac McCarthy's last project, The Passenger: he wrote it over the course of 40 years, published it right at the end of his life, and while it's about the mysteries of the universe, and seems to reflect that mysteriousness by leaving lots of stuff vague, elliptical, unanswered…I couldnt tell if this was more a reflection of his later-life concerns, or middle-age…

    I embarked on a project of trying to get a sense of what his life was like, in those last couple years when he was working on The Passenger exclusively. In the process I spoke with his two working biographers, the filmmaker who's adapting his novel Blood Meridian, and several others to get a sense of what he was aiming for, and how close he got to achieving it.

    Have you read his final work(s)? Did they strike you as deliberately mysterious, or not entirely complete?

    by thousandmoviepod

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