July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I love that Into Thin Air started off exploring the commercialism of Everest while turning into a terrifying thriller and was a completely true story all the way (and still struck at the heart of the main issue: commercialism of Everest and preventable tragedies that follow).

    I often have trouble sitting still through high brow navel gazing sorta books but I love reading about nature, animals, exploration, adventure, anthropology, etc. in nonfiction.

    Edit: I’d prefer nonfiction in this genre but if you have a really good fiction option feel free to list. I enjoyed Breathless by Amy McCulloch as a fiction example.

    by frivolousgoat


    1. There is the book about the young man who traveled up to Alaska and starved to death.

      Also I find books about ship wrecks interesting.

      Sorry I don’t have titles at this time. Good luck!

    2. TheChocolateMelted on

      If you haven’t read *Touching the Void* by Joe Simpson, you have a treat waiting for you. True story of two climbers who reach the peak of a mountain in South America and start climbing down … At which point one of them breaks his leg.

      *Alive* by Piers Paul Read is another try story that’s thrilling to read, with the sensitive material respectfully well handled by the author. A plane crashes and the survivors find themselves without help or food.

      Finally, *Endurance* by Alfred Lansing – or *South* by Ernest Shackleton – is a phenomenal read. The *Endurance* is crushed by pack ice in Antarctica. How will the crew survive?

      It’s nowhere near as well known, but I’ll wholheartedly recommend *The Ice Master* by Jennifer Niven, dealing with a similar real-life situation to *Endurance*, but told almost as if it’s a mystery. Incredible book.

      Happy reading!

    3. Long on Adventure by John Long will give you many short stories and tall tales of his adventures around the world. Funny, crazy, and plenty of omg

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