September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hi! Sooo basically, like the title. But I want them to be older and the protagonists of their own story. Maybe a bit of a childhood sweetheart thing, like they haven't seen each other in a while type thing…? I want the guy to be crazy, fun loving, possessive, but to also think he isn't good enough for the FMC, and have a bit of a bad boy thing going on. I want to FMC to be loyal, fun, and loving but a bit of a good girl who always stands with the MC. I want some smut and alot of angst. Maybe a bit of a will they, won't they type energy. I don't mind if it's a fantasy book or action type. But I want chemistry and that type of relationship between the two protagonists romantically. I want it to also be a very big part of the plot. Please help me out!

    by Realistic_Willow_362

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