September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I am having a ankle surgery soon and need something g to read while down for few days. Any suggestions for a scary and creepy book that starts off in the first few pages with a bang? Something that catches your attention right off. I don't like haunted or ghost things more real life things that could actually happen. Could be true crime or fiction. For some reason I'm reading first few pages and stopping bc nothing is catching my interest. Thank you!

    by dixielandmomma

    1 Comment

    1. SpecialKnits4855 on

      {{The Age Of Vice by Deepti Kapoor}} did just that – grabbed me from the start and I couldn’t put it down (until I HAD to because of life). It’s a fast moving story about crime families in Southern India which – up until then – I didn’t realize it was a thing.

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